“Giuseppe Chiaramonte is a refined musician, who combines his innate and highly developed musical sensibility with an impeccable and in many respects innovative technique, in particular with regards to tone production. It is truly a pleasure to listen to him.” (Aldo Minella, concert guitarist, ex-pupil of Andrés Segovia)
“These are the best performances of Mertz’s solo pieces that I have heard – the closest rivals, among recordings I have heard are Raphaëlla Smits collection Le Romantique and Frank Bungarten’s Johann Kaspar Mertz: The Last Viennese Virtuoso. Chiaramonte, I find, does more justice to the poetic dimension of Mertz’s writing, while also revelling more wholeheartedly in the virtuosity of the music.“ (Glyn Pursglove, MusicWeb International, UK) “A poet of classical guitar" (La Nueva Crónica, Léon, Spain)
"A great classical guitar virtuoso" (Diario de Léon, Léon, Spain)
“Among the most interesting interpreters of the last 30 years” (Angelo Formenti, Cd Classico)
“Giuseppe Chiaramonte brings together, in a prodigious way, artistic and human qualities that make him a true international promise. " (Paolo Coggiola, composer)
“The guitar of Chiaramonte, with the variety of colors it has, is able to tell a lot of stories that keep the audience attentive, curious about situations and images that are being evoked . " (Federico Biscione, composer, pianist, conductor)
“He is clearly a guitarist with the ability to produce fine (in some ways revelatory) performances of music well beyond the usual guitar repertoire, with intelligence, perception and skill – which is not to say that he cannot play the instrument’s ‘mainstream’ repertoire to a very high standard too. I look forward to hearing more of his work." (Glyn Pursglove, MusicWeb International, UK)
“As one listens to Chiaramonte play these technically challenging pieces, there can be no doubt of his executional mastery and impressive virtuosity.” (Jerry Dubins, Fanfare magazine, USA)
"Pure and honest....connected with the spirit and deepness of J.K.Mertz's musical soul, guitarist Giuseppe Chiaramonte takes the listener to his journey of pristine sound and sensitive interpretation of Mertz's Elegie. Wonderfully played with both feeling and understanding for this piece, Giuseppe Chiaramonte enchants from the first note till the last." (Julia Malischnig, composer, concert guitarist)
“Die acht Fantasien von Mertz, die Giuseppe Chiaramonte aufgenommen hat, zeigen den Komponisten auf großer romantischer Bühne. Er verlangt ein Spiel mit Brillanz, mit Bravour und mit Feuer – so einige Spielanweisungen und setzt scharfe Kontraste zwischen abgrundtiefer Trauer und strahlendem Jubel. Das Pathos mag uns heute übertrieben vorkommen, aber es führt doch zu einem Überschreiten auch aller klanglichen Grenzen der Gitarre. Sie evoziert hier gleich ein ganzes Orchester plus Gesang. Giuseppe Chiaramonte besitzt nicht nur die Technik, sondern auch den überbordenden Ausdruckswillen dafür. Ob zarte Abendstimmung oder Liebesklage, ob ungarischer Steppenritt oder Mozart-Oper – immer entstehen Szenen vor dem inneren Auge, die eine Gitarre allein eigentlich gar nicht ausfüllen kann. Sie tut es aber doch. Ein auf das schönste schillernder Widerspruch. Romantik pur.” (Dirk Hühner, Kulturradio RBB, Berlin/Germany)
“… the musical maturity he has reached is the product of a well-defined personality… he plays with a wealth of communicative expressivity" (Emanuele Segre, concert guitarist)